
merlin.rods.create(x, y, chipseq, dateseq, locations, spec_index)[source]

Transforms a sequence of chips into a sequence of rods filtered by date, deduplicated, sorted, located and identified.

  • x (int) – x projection coordinate of chip
  • y (int) – y projection coordinate of chip
  • chipseq (seq) – sequence of chips
  • dates (seq) – sequence of dates that should be included in the rods
  • locations (numpy.Array) – 2d numpy array of pixel coordinates
  • spec_index (dict) – specs indexed by ubid

{(chip_x, chip_y, x, y): {‘k1’: [], ‘k2’: [], ‘k3’: [], …}}

Return type:



Accepts sequences of chips and returns time series pixel rods organized by x, y, t for all chips. Chips should be sorted as desired before calling rods() as outputs preserve input order.

Parameters:chips – sequence of chips with data as numpy arrays
Returns:3d numpy array organized by x, y, and t. Output shape matches input chip shape with the chip value replaced by another numpy array of chip time series values
  1. For each chip add data to master numpy array.
  2. Transpose the master array
  3. Horizontally stack the transposed master array elements
  4. Reshape the master array to match incoming chip dimensions
  5. Pixel rods are now organized for timeseries access by x, y, t
>>> chip_one   = np.int_([[11, 12, 13],
                          [14, 15, 16],
                          [17, 18, 19]])
>>> chip_two   = np.int_([[21, 22, 23],
                          [24, 25, 26],
                          [27, 28, 29]])
>>> chip_three  = np.int_([[31, 32, 33],
                           [34, 35, 36],
                           [37, 38, 39]])
>>> master = np.conj([chip_one, chip_two, chip_three])
>>> np.hstack(master.T).reshape(3, 3, -1)
array([[[ 11, 21, 31], [ 12, 22, 32], [ 13, 23, 33]],
       [[ 14, 24, 34], [ 15, 25, 35], [ 16, 26, 36]],
       [[ 17, 27, 37], [ 18, 28, 38], [ 19, 29, 39]]])
merlin.rods.identify(rod, x, y)[source]

Adds chip ids (chip_x, chip_y) to the key for a rod

  • rod – dict of (x, y): [values]
  • x – x coordinate that identifies the source chip
  • y – y coordinate that identifies the source chip

{(chip_x, chip_y, x, y): [values]}

Return type:


merlin.rods.locate(rods, locations)[source]

Combines location information with pixel rods.

  • rods – Chip shaped numpy array of rods
  • locations – Chip shaped numpy array of locations

(location):rod for each location and rod in the arrays.

Return type:


Incoming locations as 3d array:

>>> array([[[0,0], [0,1], [0,2]],
           [[1,0], [1,1], [1,2]],
           [[2,0], [2,1], [2,2]]])

Incoming rods also as 3d array:

>>> array([[[110,110,234,664], [23,887,110,111], [110,464,223,112]],
           [[111,887,1,110],   [33,111,12,111],  [0,111,66,112]],
           [[12,99,112,110],   [112,87,231,111], [112,45,47,112]]])

locrods converts locations to:

>>> locations.reshape(locations.shape[0] * locations.shape[1], -1)
array([[0, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [0, 2],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 1],
       [1, 2],
       [2, 0],
       [2, 1],
       [2, 2]])

And rods to:

>>> rods.reshape(rods.shape[0] * rods.shape[1], -1)
array([[110, 110, 234, 664],
       [23,  887, 110, 111],
       [110, 464, 223, 112],
       [111, 887, 1,   110],
       [33,  111, 12,  111],
       [0,   111, 66,  112],
       [12,  99,  112, 110],
       [112, 87,  231, 111],
       [112, 45,  47,  112]])

Then the locations and rods are zipped together via a dictionary comprehension and returned.

>>> {
     (0,0): [110, 110, 234, 664],
     (0,1): [23,  887, 110, 111],
     (0,2): [110, 464, 223, 112],
     (1,0): [111, 887, 1,   110],
     (1,1): [33,  111, 12,  111],
     (1,2): [0,   111, 66,  112],
     (2,0): [12,  99,  112, 110],
     (2,1): [112, 87,  231, 111],
     (2,2): [112, 45,  47,  112]