Source code for merlin.functions

""" is a module of generalized, reusable functions"""

from collections import Counter
from cytoolz import drop
from cytoolz import first
from cytoolz import get_in
from cytoolz import merge
from cytoolz import partial
from cytoolz import reduce
from cytoolz import second
from datetime import datetime
from functools import singledispatch
import functools
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def extract(sequence, elements): """Given a sequence (possibly with nested sequences), extract the element identifed by the elements sequence. Args: sequence: A sequence of elements which may be other sequences elements: Sequence of nested element indicies (in sequence parameter) to extract Returns: The target element Example: >>> inputs = [1, (2, 3, (4, 5)), 6] >>> extract(inputs, [0]) >>> 1 >>> extract(inputs, [1]) >>> (2, 3, (4, 5)) >>> extract(inputs, [1, 0]) >>> 2 >>> extract(inputs, [1, 1]) >>> 3 >>> extract(inputs, [1, 2]) >>> (4, 5) >>> extract(inputs, [1, 2, 0]) >>> 4 ... """ e = tuple(elements) if len(e) == 0 or not getattr(sequence, '__iter__', False): return sequence else: seq = sequence[first(e)] return extract(seq, drop(1, e))
[docs]def flatten(iterable): """Reduce dimensionality of iterable containing iterables Args: iterable: A multi-dimensional iterable Returns: A one dimensional iterable """ return itertools.chain.from_iterable(iterable)
[docs]def intersection(items): """Returns the intersecting set contained in items Args: items: Two dimensional sequence of items Returns: Intersecting set of items Example: >>> items = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]] >>> intersection(items) {3} """ return set.intersection(*(map(lambda x: set(x), items)))
[docs]def sha256(string): """Computes and returns a sha256 digest of the supplied string Args: string (str): string to digest Returns: digest value """ return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()
[docs]def md5(string): """Computes and returns an md5 digest of the supplied string Args: string: string to digest Returns: digest value """ return hashlib.md5(string.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()
[docs]def sort(iterable, key=None): """Sorts an iterable""" return sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=False)
[docs]def rsort(iterable, key=None): """Reverse sorts an iterable""" return sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)
[docs]@singledispatch def serialize(arg): """Converts datastructure to json, computes digest Args: dictionary: A python dict Returns: tuple: (digest,json) """ s = json.dumps(arg, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=True) return md5(s), s
@serialize.register(set) def _(arg): """Converts set to list then serializes the resulting value""" return serialize(sorted(list(arg)))
[docs]def deserialize(string): """Reconstitues datastructure from a string. Args: string: A serialized data structure Returns: Data structure represented by string parameter """ return json.loads(string)
[docs]def flip_keys(dods): """Accepts a dictionary of dictionaries and flips the outer and inner keys. All inner dictionaries must have a consistent set of keys or key Exception is raised. Args: dods: dict of dicts Returns: dict of dicts with inner and outer keys flipped Example: >>> dods = {"reds": {(0, 0): [110, 110, 234, 664], (0, 1): [23, 887, 110, 111]}, "greens": {(0, 0): [120, 112, 224, 624], (0, 1): [33, 387, 310, 511]}, "blues": {(0, 0): [128, 412, 244, 654], (0, 1): [73, 987, 119, 191]}, >>> flip_keys(dods) {(0, 0): {"reds": [110, 110, 234, 664], "greens": [120, 112, 224, 624], "blues": [128, 412, 244, 654], ... }, (0, 1), {"reds": [23, 887, 110, 111], "greens": [33, 387, 310, 511], "blues": [73, 987, 119, 191], ... }} """ def flip(innerkeys, outerkeys, inputs): for ik in innerkeys: yield({ik: {ok: inputs[ok][ik] for ok in outerkeys}}) outerkeys = set(dods.keys()) innerkeys = set(reduce(lambda accum, v: accum + v, [list(dods[ok].keys()) for ok in outerkeys])) return merge(flip(innerkeys, outerkeys, dods))
[docs]def cqlstr(string): """Makes a string safe to use in Cassandra CQL commands Args: string: The string to use in CQL Returns: str: A safe string replacement """ return re.sub('[-:.]', '_', string)
[docs]def represent(item): """Represents callables and values consistently Args: item: The item to represent Returns: Item representation """ return repr(item.__name__) if callable(item) else repr(item)
[docs]def isnumeric(value): """Does a string value represent a number (positive or negative?) Args: value (str): A string Returns: bool: True or False """ try: float(value) return True except: return False
[docs]def timed(f): """Timing wrapper for functions. Prints start and stop time to INFO along with function name, arguments and keyword arguments. Args: f (function): Function to be timed Returns: function: Wrapped function """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapper function.""" msg = '{}(args={}, kwargs={}):'.format(f.__name__, args, kwargs)'{} start:{}'.format(msg, r = f(*args, **kwargs)'{} stop:{}'.format(msg, return r return wrapper
[docs]def seqeq(a, b): """Determine if two unordered sequences are equal. Args: a: sequence a b: sequence b Returns: bool: True or False """ #runs in linear (On) time. return Counter(a) == Counter(b)
[docs]def issubset(a, b): """Determines if a exists in b Args: a: sequence a b: sequence b Returns: bool: True or False """ return set(a).issubset(set(b))
[docs]def difference(a, b): """Subtracts items in b from items in a. Args: a: sequence a b: sequence b Returns: set: items that exist in a but not b """ return set(a) - set(b)
[docs]def chexists(dictionary, keys, check_fn): """applies check_fn against dictionary minus keys then ensures the items returned from check_fn exist in dictionary[keys] Args: dictionary (dict): {key: [v1, v3, v2]} keys (sequence): A sequence of keys in dictionary check_fn (function): Function that accepts dict and returns sequence of items or Exception Returns: A sequence of items that are returned from check_fn and exist in dictionary[keys] or Exception """ def exists_in(superset, subset): if issubset(subset, second(superset)): return True else: msg = '{} is missing data.'.format(first(superset)) msg2 = '{} is not a subset of {}'.format(subset, second(superset)) raise Exception('\n\n'.join([msg, msg2])) popped = {k: dictionary[k] for k in keys} checked = check_fn({k: dictionary[k] for k in difference(dictionary, keys)}) all(map(partial(exists_in, subset=checked), popped.items())) return checked
[docs]def insert_into_every(dods, key, value): """Insert key:values into every subdictionary of dods. Args: dods: dictionary of dictionaries key: key to hold values in subdictionaires value: value to associate with key Returns: dict: dictionary of dictionaries with key:values inserted into each """ def update(d, v): d.update({key: v}) return d return {k: update(v, value) for k, v in dods.items()}
[docs]@singledispatch def denumpify(arg): """Converts numpy datatypes to python datatypes bool_ and bool8 are converted to Python bool float64, float32 and float16's are converted to Python float() intc, intp, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64 are converted to Python int() complex_, complex64 and complex128 are converted to Python complex() None is returned as None numpy ndarrays are returned as list() Python lists, maps, sets and tuples are returned with all values converted to Python types (recursively). If there is no implemented converter, returns arg. Args: arg: A (possibly numpy) data structure Returns: A Python data structure """ return arg
@denumpify.register(np.bool_) @denumpify.register(np.bool8) def _(arg): """Converts numpy bools to python bools""" return bool(arg) @denumpify.register(np.float64) @denumpify.register(np.float32) @denumpify.register(np.float16) def _(arg): """Converts numpy floats to python floats""" return float(arg) @denumpify.register(np.intc) @denumpify.register(np.intp) @denumpify.register(np.int8) @denumpify.register(np.int16) @denumpify.register(np.int32) @denumpify.register(np.int64) @denumpify.register(np.uint8) @denumpify.register(np.uint16) @denumpify.register(np.uint32) @denumpify.register(np.uint64) def _(arg): """Converts numpy ints to python ints""" return int(arg) @denumpify.register(np.complex_) @denumpify.register(np.complex64) @denumpify.register(np.complex128) def _(arg): """Converts numpy complex numbers to python complex""" return complex(arg) @denumpify.register(np.ndarray) def _(arg): """Converts ndarray to listset to list""" return arg.tolist() @denumpify.register(list) def _(arg): """Converts list values to Python types""" return [denumpify(l) for l in arg] @denumpify.register(set) def _(arg): """Converts set values to Python types""" return set(denumpify(list(arg))) @denumpify.register(tuple) def _(arg): """Converts tuple values to Python types""" return tuple(denumpify(list(arg))) @denumpify.register(dict) def _(arg): """Converts dict values to Python types""" return {k: denumpify(v) for k, v in arg.items()}