Source code for merlin.chipmunk

""" is the interface module to Chipmunk for Merlin.

Any functions chipmunk exposes are represented here as defined.

New abstractions or higher level abstractions should be created
in modules that import  For maximum flexibility do not
import directly... inject it via a kernel or DI construct.  

Multi-version support: 
To support multiple versions of Chipmunk create new modules that correspond to
the appropriate version number.

from cytoolz import reduce
from functools import partial
from operator import add
import requests

[docs]def chips(x, y, acquired, ubids, url, resource='/chips'): """Returns chips from a Chipmunk url given x, y, date range and ubid sequence Args: x (int): projection coordinate x y (int): projection coordinate y acquired (str): ISO8601 daterange '2012-01-01/2014-01-03' ubids (sequence): sequence of ubids url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /chips/resource/path (default: /chips) Returns: tuple: chips Example: >>> chipmunk.chips(url='http://host:port/path', x=123456, y=789456, acquired='2012-01-01/2014-01-03', ubids=['LE07_SRB1', 'LT05_SRB1']) (LE07_SRB1_DATE1, LT05_SRB1_DATE2, LE07_SRB1_DATE2, ...) """ url = '{}{}'.format(url, resource) params = [{'x': x, 'y': y, 'acquired': acquired, 'ubid': u } for u in ubids] # check to see if there were results. If yes return .json() else [{}] responses = [requests.get(url=url, params=p).json() for p in params] return tuple(reduce(add, responses))
[docs]def registry(url, resource='/registry'): """Retrieve the chip spec registry Args: url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /registry/resource/path (default: /registry) Returns: list Example: >>> chipmunk.registry(url='http://host:port/path') [{'data_fill': '-9999', 'data_mask': {}, 'data_range': [], 'data_scale': None, 'data_shape': [100, 100], 'data_type': 'INT16', 'data_units': None, 'info': 'band 5 top-of-atmosphere reflectance', 'tags': ['swir1', 'b5', 'tab5', 'lt05', 'lt05_tab5', 'ta'], 'ubid': 'LT05_TAB5'}, {'data_fill': '-9999', 'data_mask': {}, 'data_range': [], 'data_scale': None, 'data_shape': [100, 100], 'data_type': 'INT16', 'data_units': None, 'info': 'band 7 top-of-atmosphere reflectance', 'tags': ['lt05_tab7', 'b7', 'lt05', 'swir2', 'tab7', 'ta'], 'ubid': 'LT05_TAB7'}, ...] """ return requests.get(url="{}{}".format(url, resource)).json()
[docs]def grid(url, resource='/grid'): """Determine the chip and tile coordinates for a point. Args: url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /grid/snap/resource (default: /grid/snap) Returns: dict Example: >>> chipmunk.grid(url='http://host:port/path) [{"name":"tile", "proj":null, "rx":1.0, "ry":-1.0, "sx":150000.0, "sy":150000.0, "tx":2565585.0, "ty":3314805.0}, {"name":"chip", "proj":null, "rx":1.0, "ry":-1.0, "sx":3000.0, "sy":3000.0, "tx":2565585.0, "ty":3314805.0}] """ url = '{}{}'.format(url, resource) return requests.get(url=url).json()
[docs]def snap(x, y, url, resource='/grid/snap'): """Determine the chip and tile coordinates for a point. Args: x (int): projection coordinate x y (int): projection coordinate y url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /grid/snap/resource (default: /grid/snap) Returns: dict Example: >>> chipmunk.snap(x=0, y=0, url='http://host:port/path') {'chip': {'grid-pt': [855.0, 1104.0], 'proj-pt': [-585.0, 2805.0]}, 'tile': {'grid-pt': [17.0, 22.0], 'proj-pt': [-15585.0, 14805.0]}} """ url = '{}{}'.format(url, resource) return requests.get(url=url, params={'x': x, 'y': y}).json()
[docs]def near(x, y, url, resource='/grid/near'): """Determines chips and tiles that lie a point Args: x (int): projection coordinate x y (int): projection coordinate y url (str): protocol://host:port/path resource (str): /grid/near/resource (default: /grid/near) Returns: dict Example: >>> chipmunk.near(x=0, y=0, url='http://host:port/path') {'chip': [{'grid-pt': [854.0, 1105.0], 'proj-pt': [-3585.0, -195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [854.0, 1104.0], 'proj-pt': [-3585.0, 2805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [854.0, 1103.0], 'proj-pt': [-3585.0, 5805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [855.0, 1105.0], 'proj-pt': [-585.0, -195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [855.0, 1104.0], 'proj-pt': [-585.0, 2805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [855.0, 1103.0], 'proj-pt': [-585.0, 5805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [856.0, 1105.0], 'proj-pt': [2415.0, -195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [856.0, 1104.0], 'proj-pt': [2415.0, 2805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [856.0, 1103.0], 'proj-pt': [2415.0, 5805.0]}], 'tile': [{'grid-pt': [16.0, 23.0], 'proj-pt': [-165585.0, -135195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [16.0, 22.0], 'proj-pt': [-165585.0, 14805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [16.0, 21.0], 'proj-pt': [-165585.0, 164805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [17.0, 23.0], 'proj-pt': [-15585.0, -135195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [17.0, 22.0], 'proj-pt': [-15585.0, 14805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [17.0, 21.0], 'proj-pt': [-15585.0, 164805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [18.0, 23.0], 'proj-pt': [134415.0, -135195.0]}, {'grid-pt': [18.0, 22.0], 'proj-pt': [134415.0, 14805.0]}, {'grid-pt': [18.0, 21.0], 'proj-pt': [134415.0, 164805.0]}]} """ url = '{}{}'.format(url, resource) return requests.get(url=url, params={'x': x, 'y': y}).json()