
Get The Source

$ git clone

# Highly recommend working within a virtual environment
$ conda create --name merlin python=3.6
$ source activate merlin
$ cd lcmap-merlin
$ pip install -e .[test, dev, doc]


$ pytest

Occasionally chip and chip spec test data may need to be updated if the source specifications change.

Execute data.update_specs() and data.update_chips() from a repl. The date range and spatial location of the data may be altered in merlin/support/ When expanding the data query date range, please note that PyPi has a limit of 60MB per artifact. Uploads exceeding this limit will result in failure messages while publishing.

specs_url = 'http://localhost:5678/v1/landsat/chip-specs'
chips_url = 'http://localhost:5678/v1/landsat/chips'

from import data
data.update_chips(chips_url=chips_url, specs_url=specs_url)

Build Sphinx Docs

This is only necessary during development. Release documents are built automatically by

$ cd docs
$ make html